Pusher 3 (I'm the Angel of Death)

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Peter Bradshaw
Friday June 9, 2006
The Guardian

The third and final part of Nicolas Winding Refn's startling gangster trilogy Pusher is a crunching disappointment after the tremendous second movie, released here last year. That breathed new life into the wiseguy genre; this plays around with well-established tropes - and certainly indulges in some stomach-turning violence - but has nothing like the previous episode's style or its human insight. The frustrating thing is that it starts so interestingly: Zlatko Buric plays Milo, the Serbian drug baron in Denmark from the first film. He is now middle-aged, addicted to his own supply, and terrified of a new generation of mobsters snapping at his heels.

We first see Milo at an NA meeting, solemnly vowing to his fellow addicts to be clean and embarking on a 12-step programme, which is all the more important as he is presiding over his daughter's 25th birthday party that evening, and is responsible for preparing a dinner for 400 people. The situation of the wiseguy having to cook while taking care of business is very familiar from Goodfellas, and it is extraordinary how the three gangster movies this week from Caracas, Copenhagen and Hong Kong all have Scorsese DNA. Things inevitably go wrong and blowback from a failed drug deal causes Milo to absent himself from the party, but there is a vital dramatic failure in that his vanishing act does not seem to matter, or even be noticed very much, and this family event, set up so emphatically as being very important to Milo, recedes into the background.
Finally, Milo has to make a dead body disappear and calls on an old buddy to help him out - shades of "the cleaner" from Tarantino's Pulp Fiction. The new twist is that the man's name is Radovan; ironically, Milo has a poster of notorious Serbian leader Radovan Karadzic up in his club. It is all presented with some style and there is all-too-believable picture of eastern and central European lowlife. But everything peters out pretty feebly. Refn delivers some shocks - but not the shock of the new.

buddy- kumpel
crunching- krytyczny; skrzypiący
embark on- przedsiębrać coś
feebly- kiepsko, słabo
genre- gatunek
indulge (in)- oddawać się czemuś, pozwalać sobie na
inevitably- w sposób nieunikniony
mobster- gangster
notorious- cieszący się złą sławą
peter out- kończyć się, zanikać
recede- oddalać się, wygasać
snap at sb’s heels- deptać komuś po piętach
solemnly- uroczyście
startling- niepokojący, przerażający
trope- trop (literacki)
vanish- znikać, zanikać; zdążać do zera
vow- przysięgać, ślubować
wiseguy- mądrala, pyszałek


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