Brain Ninjas

Listening z YouTube: Brain Ninjas

Zobacz nagranie video, a następnie wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.

1. Why Lisa doesn't want to walk out on her boyfriend?
a) because it's not that easy
b) because she lost track of her CDs
c) because she left her CDs in his vehicle

2. The comedian mentions that we argue over the weirdest things, what kind of things ?
a) trivial things
b) DVD's, CDs and other carriers
c) uncles

3. While the girl will be crying and complaining to her mum on the phone, the comedian is going to... ?
a) talk with some guys
b) sit on a chair
c) play the XboX

4. What is "Brain Ninja" ?
a) mental terrorist
b) a kind of detonator
c) tiny comment

5. How a man knows that the Brain Ninja is coming ?
a) because the girl locks her legs
b) because the girl starts agreeing too much
c) because the girl starts grinning every now and then

6. What is the Destroyer of the World ?
a) the girl
b) the comment
c) the torpedo

7. After the "explosion" the man can't find the girl because... ?
a) he can't remember where she has gone
b) he has forgotten it's not his own house
c) he can't remember how to move in his own house

8. The mistake we make as guys is... ?
a) we repeat ourselves too much
b) we swear too much
c) we don't know what to say

Pokaż odpowiedzi (Click)

noodles - makaron, kluski
argue - kłócić się
smart - mądry
windshield wiper - wycieraczka (AmE)
glisten - zalśnić
pantry - spiżarnia
cerebellum - móżdżek
argument - kłótnia
look out! - uważaj!
mayor - burmistrz
float - unosić się
a tic-tack size - wielkości tic-taka
step - krok
cock one's head - przechylić głowę
subtle - subtelny, delikatny
emphasis - nacisk, emfaza, podkreślenie

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