In Hell

Listening z YouTube: In Hell

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Video bez napisów:

Video z napisami:

1. Who in the devil's opinion might have realized that it was hell ?
a) people who are wise
b) people who are observant
c) people with good vision
2. The condemned are going to stay in hell...
a) for their whole afterlife
b) till the end of days
c) till the end of the world
3. Which group in this video can't be found in hell:
a) arsonists
b) liars
c) looters
4. Who is probably going to be beheaded ?
a) pillagers
b) male adulterers
c) the French
5. The devil says: "it was damnation without relief", it means...
a) no comfort in hell
b) urinating is forbidden in hell
c) no toilets

Pokaż odpowiedzi (Click)

looter - szabrownik
adulterer - cudzołożnik
murderer - morderca
pillager - grabieżca
arsonist - podpalacz
lawyer - prawnik
atheist - ateista
christian - chrześcijanin
hell - piekło
devil - diabeł
damnation - potępienie

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