Fusion - China In Your Hands

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Fusion - China in your hands

0) I'm China in hand
1) Can't you give it one more try
2) in your hand
3) Can't you try to understand
5) Another lonely
6) Without you in my arms
7) Wish could hold you in tight
8) And keep you save from hearts
10) lonely night
11) The pain is in the air
12) If I knew for sure
13) One day you would be there
15) I'm china your hand
16) Can't you give it one more try
17) China in your
18) Can't you try to understand
20) I need you here I need you
21) I need you right here by my side
22) I need to know how much care
23) I'm China in your hand
25) Another raining
26) With mystical impressions
27) I give the to be
28) One of your possessions
30) melodies have been played by the wind
31) I see a passion overflow and deep with it
33) I'm china in hand
34) Can't you give it one more try
35) in your hand
36) Can't you try to understand
38) I you here I need you now
39) I need you right here by my side
40) I need to know how you care
41) I'm China in your hand
43) Why can't I a part of your life
44) I need to know, don't you need me there
45) I'm in your hand
46) China in your hand
48) I you here, I need you now
49) I need you right here by my side
50) need to know how much you care
51) I'm china in your hand
53) I'm china your hand
54) Can't you give it one more try
55) China in hand
56) Can't you try to understand
58) I need here, I need you now
59) I need you right here by my side
60) need to know how much you care
61) I'm China in your hand
63) China in hand
64) Can't you try to understand

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