Phil Collins - You'll Be In My Heart

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Phil Collins - You'll be in my heart

0) Come your crying
1) It will be all right
2) Just my hand Hold it tight
3) I will protect you
4) all around you
5) I will be here
6) Don't cry
7) For one so small,
8) you seem strong
9) My arms will hold you,
10) keep you safe and
11) This bond between us
12) be broken
13) I will be here
14) Don't cry
15) 'Cause you'll be in my heart
16) Yes, you'll be my heart
17) From this day on
18) Now forever more
19) You'll be in my heart
20) No matter what they
21) You'll be here in my heart, always
22) can't they understand
23) the way we feel
24) They just don't
25) what they can't explain
26) I know we're but,
27) deep inside us
28) not that different at all
29) And you'll be in my heart
30) you'll be in my heart
31) From this day on
32) Now and more
33) Don't listen to them
34) 'Cause what do know
35) We need each other,
36) have, to hold
37) They'll see in time
38) know
39) When destiny calls you
40) You be strong
41) I may not be with you
42) you've got to hold on
43) They'll see in time
44) I
45) We'll show them together
46) 'Cause you'll be in heart
47) Yes, you'll be in my heart
48) From day on,
49) Now and forever more
50) Oh, you'll be in my
51) No matter what they say
52) You'll be in heart, always
53) Always

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